Vendor Information

All new and existing vendors must complete a Vendor Information Sheet prior to receiving payments from Niagara-on-the-Lake Hydro.

This is used to confirm your company information, verify tax identity and to create an electric funds transfer means for payment.

Child and Force Labour

Child and forced labor are pervasive problems throughout the world. Niagara-on-the-Lake Hydro will not tolerate the use of child or forced labor in any of its operations and facilities. We expect the suppliers and contractors with whom we do business to uphold the same standards.

Vendor/Supplier Acknowledgement

The “Supplier” covenants, acknowledges and agrees as follows:

  1. The Supplier certifies that it complies with all applicable laws and regulations in the jurisdictions where it operates and where its goods are produced, including laws relating to the prohibition of forced and child labor. 
  2. The Supplier certifies that it has not used, does not use, and will not use forced or compulsory labor in any of its operations.  Forced labor includes, but is not limited to, any work or service that a person is forced to do against their will under the threat of any penalty or coercion.
  3. The Supplier certifies that it has not employed, does not employ, and will not employ children in the production of goods. For the purposes of this covenant, a child is defined as any person under the age of 15 years or the minimum age for employment permitted by the law of the country where the work is performed, whichever is higher.
  4. The Supplier commits to ensuring that its own suppliers and subcontractors adhere to the same standards regarding forced and child labor. The Supplier shall
    • Conduct due diligence on its supply chain to ensure compliance with this Covenant.
    • Require that all of its suppliers and subcontractors provide written confirmation that they do not use forced or child labor.
    • Monitor and audit its supply chain regularly to ensure ongoing compliance.
    • Take immediate corrective action if any violations of this Covenant are discovered within its supply chain.
  5. The Supplier agrees to maintain accurate and complete records of its labor practices and those of its supply chain. The Supplier shall make these records available for inspection by the Client or an independent auditor appointed by the Client  upon reasonable notice.
  6. The Supplier shall establish mechanisms for reporting any violations of the covenants herein, including:
    • A reporting system for employees and other stakeholders to report any concerns about forced or child labor without fear of retaliation.
    • A commitment to investigate and address any reported concerns promptly and effectively.
    • A remediation plan to address any confirmed instances of forced or child labor, which includes providing support to affected individuals and taking steps to prevent recurrence.