NOTL Hydro Food and Toy Drive an Annual Success

December 14, 2023

Niagara-on-the-Lake Hydro (NOTL Hydro) thanks and recognizes its staff and their families who have once again made the NOTL Hydro annual Food and Toy Drive a success.  Perennial organizers Jody Keus and Sara Engels were assisted this year by Brodie Mosher (customer relations and marketing) and Jason Meleskie (driver and truck decorator) to keep this 20-year tradition going.

NOTL Hydro begins accepting donations of non-perishable food and new toys at its office in Virgil in November.  Further donations are accepted during the Niagara-on-the Lake Christmas parade itself.  The NOTL Hydro decorated truck and trailer are one of the early floats in the parade for this reason.  Some of the NOTL Hydro staff are at the parade to collect the donations and carry them from the donor watching the parade to the trailer.  Meanwhile, other NOTL Hydro staff are distributing candy to some of the younger parade watchers.  This year we were joined by a number of volunteers from Newark Neighbours which added to the festivity.

The donations collected this year were provided to Newark Neighbours.  This includes food, toys and cash which some parade watchers also donate.  There have been some donations of food and toys that have been brought to the NOTL Hydro office since the parade and these are being donated to Project Share.

NOTL Hydro looks forward to continuing this tradition next year and helping Newark Neighbours continue to help those in need.
