Net metering allows you to send electricity generated from wind/solar/other green generation installations to the distribution system for a credit towards your electricity costs. Excess generation credits can be carried forward for a consecutive 12-month period to offset future electricity costs. A common term for this is Distributed Energy Resources (DER).

NOTL Hydro attempts to accommodate all requests for Net Metering, however, we must proceed with the OEB regulated process to assess and ultimately bring your installation online.
1 Micro DER Application
First, complete and submit the application found below.
2 Engineering Technologist Site Visit
NOTL Hydro will review the application and, once it is accepted, an Engineering Technologist will visit the proposed installation site to gather information to put together the Offer to Connect/Service Layout.
3 Net Meter Connection Agreement and Offer to Connect/Service Layout
NOTL Hydro will issue a Connection Agreement and Offer to Connect which outlines the requirements and NOTL Hydro costs to connect the generator. If you decide to proceed with the project, you will be required to pay the connection fees detailed in the Offer to Connect/Service Layout.
4 Design & Build
Once the micro generation facility has been built according to our requirements, you will need to apply to the Electrical Safety Authority for an electrical inspection.
5 Commissioning/Witness Test & Final Connection
After the Electrical Safety Authority provides us with the electrical inspection “Connection Authorization”, we will schedule a site visit to perform a witness test on the generator protections.
After a successful witness test, NOTL Hydro will schedule a meter change to install the new bi-directional meter. NOTL Hydro will also do the necessary work to ensure billing arrangements are setup based on the project type.
Technical Requirements
NOTL Hydro follows the most recent version of the Hydro One TIR for technical interconnection requirements of DER: