Alice in Wonderland Contest

July 5, 2016

Congratulations to our winner, Garry Knox!

We’ve teamed up with the Shaw Festival to offer you a night out in Niagara-on-the-Lake. Win dinner (a $100 gift certificate to a NOTL restaurant of your choice) and 2 tickets to see Shaw’s newest production, Alice in Wonderland.

How do I Enter? You have 2 easy options:

  • SIGN UP FOR EBILLING. When you are enrolled in eBilling, your monthly electric/water bill will be sent to you via email. It’s quick and easy and helps us to have the lowest delivery rates in the Niagara Region.
  • SIGN UP FOR PRE-AUTHORIZED PAYMENTS. Instead of paying at the bank, in our offices or online every month, your account will be automatically paid from your bank account. Never forget to pay a bill again. Complete this form and bring it to our offices at 8 Henegan Road in Virgil.

